Diamond infrastructure's services are to promote
"Development of technologies from concept to completion"
Diamond Infrastructure Development has entered into an opportunity to acquire unlimited licensing rights to the entire line of technologies and intellectual property held by Global Oceanic Designs, Inc. and SeaDog Systems, Inc. This opportunity comes through the acquisition of an 18.8% holding and control structure via management of Global Oceanic Designs, Inc. and SeaDog Systems, Inc.
In this role Diamond Infrastructure Development, will assume the principal leadership of the corporate machine, working in direct consultation with the board of directors as chairman, monitoring the company’s stability and growth. In addition, the head of Diamond will provide the strategic direction for the overall organization as well as leading all functions of the development company, as Chief Executive Officer of Global Oceanic/SeaDog Systems. In this dually functional role, there is opportunity to seamlessly create, cultivate and deliver the company vision with the investors, shareholders and the board of directors, while championing the licensing and deployment of the variety of technologies under the control and direction of Diamond Infrastructure.
Using our skills in vision building, technology sourcing and matching of challenges with solutions, Diamond Infrastructure Development, Inc. can articulate, incubate and deploy technologies into impactful and value added solution space to create sustainable remedies to the plethora of inequalities plaguing our planet today.
Our diversity of clients represent the entire value chain ranging from non-profit/philanthropic organizations, industrial technology and infrastructure development companies, scientists, inventors and entrepreneurs as well as local and national governments, communities and missions organizations. What they all share is a vision for the future of this planet, and a conviction to make a difference.
As part of the responsibilities under this partnership, Diamond Infrastructure will supervise the final outfitting of Global Oceanic’s Development Complex, along with its Offshore Research and Wave Facility. Diamond’s direct access to these properties, products and resources allows the vast array of technologies to be articulated, matured, modeled and tested to demonstrate their viability, practicality and value utilizing Global’s in-house manufacturing capabilities, wet-lab and testing facility and the fully outfitted simulation tanks.
Under the management and expertise of Diamond Infrastructure Development, Inc., the completed properties and facilities will house the foremost experts in science, engineering, technology and marketing who together will identify opportunities, talent and technology, promote the development and integration of further embodiments and design the deployment strategies for taking each system created to market.
The team built to occupy the development facility will include technical specialists in mechanical, structural and industrial design, manufacturing and fabrication. These experts will collaborate with the inventors and system innovators of Global Oceanic and SeaDog Systems to bring the water, energy and infrastructure visions and concepts to fruition. The diversity of technology building blocks included in Global Oceanic’s technology portfolio can be articulated to span dozens to hundreds of system solutions in a variety of embodiments. This team, given their skills and experience, leveraged under the strategic leadership of Diamond Infrastructure Development and with access to the new facilities in the completed Development Complex, will be the vehicle to bring the vision of Global Oceanic to life and their technology to the planet.
As product lines and systems are matured and ready for market, the image must be created, the consumer base gestated, the deployment applications characterized and development opportunities framed. Networks must be established and maintained and the global awareness of the advent of coming change be cultivated. Key enablers in this space will be the marketing and packaging teams comprised of Diamond Infrastructure, Global Oceanic and other corporate partners who collectively will undertake the brand creation and launch, using the IT and public relations global infrastructure to convey the product specific communications programs which promote the awareness, the acceptance, the embracing, the demand for and the ultimate sale of the technology packages. These essential functions within the corporate machine will effect the closing on license sales and win the revenue for the company.
It is Diamond’s immediate goal to exploit the SeaDog portfolio in all of its embodiments, leveraging the corporate team to further package and market the variety of technologies. The Diamond Infrastructure key role, in addition to team leadership in this effort is to engage stakeholders, customers and end users in the public domain, to promote the awareness and deliver the product and systems, gaining recognition for the opportunity as well as the benefits of deployment of SeaDog Systems and other Global Oceanic technologies. The success of the efforts will be measured in numbers of licenses granted and funding secured and ultimately by the population of systems installed and operational.
Given the track record of experience of Diamond Infrastructure’s principal staff in offshore energy development and operations, a critical success factor lies in Diamond’s delivery of its role in the opportunity development from concept design through operations, complimenting further Diamond’s dynamic track record of successful implementation of offshore technologies.
The experience base in marine construction operations and asset management will be a key enabler in reduction of risk and protection of revenues for the eventual owner/operators of these ocean energy systems. Given Diamond Infrastructure’s commitment to see the SeaDog Systems, as well as the other technologies in the Global Oceanic portfolio come to fruition, we see ourselves as integral to the overall life cycle covering product development to on site implementation and look forward to this key role in facilitating this vision of the future.
In this form as an overseer of the corporate machine Diamond Infrastructure will be in a prime position to deliver, create and function fruitfully in this endeavor/collaboration and investment with Global Oceanic Designs, Inc., its consultancy with SeaDog Systems along with the growth of future product lines.
Additional activities and lines of business outside of the Global Oceanic/SeaDog catalog will be entertaining and offering to third party inventors, promoters and innovators the ability to perform in-house/on-site testing, co-developing, packaging and marketing of their technologies.
The value-added role of Diamond Infrastructure will be in form of technical consulting, commercial support for licensing or financial support for co-developing of their product catalog. Services in this category may be rendered in our own Offshore Research facilities, or in our client’s locations.
These services will be provided by our team of subject matter experts who will perform with the support of Diamond Infrastructure mentor-ship, using our proprietary business delivery guidelines. Providing our vision for a future beyond the current technology bases acquired and sets forth a path for future growth of other inventors and systems providing a robust future not only for Diamond Infrastructure, but also its affiliates and relationships connected to its corporate machine.